【#國際移民及置業博覽:參展商巡禮 滙一家族辦公室 One Family Office 】
#滙一家族辦公室 是一個總部設在香港的聯合家族辦公室,專為亞洲的富有家族提供定制化的財富規劃、傳承與家族治理方案。 我們的服務包括資產管理、稅務策劃、家族信託安排、私人銀行戶口管理、開立離岸帳戶和公司秘書服務等等。
不同的國籍和稅務身份對資產安排及傳承都會有所影響,做好移民前的信託和稅務策劃是可以幫到你減去不必要的稅務支出。再以高效的財務規劃帶來移民後的被動收入, 這才是一個完整方案。
地點:香港會展Hall 5FG
電話查詢:3168 1637
國際移民及置業博覽:參展商巡禮 滙一家族辦公室 One Family Office
主页 » ONE Community » 國際移民及置業博覽:參展商巡禮 滙一家族辦公室 One Family Office
The work of ONE Family Office takes on the role of a trusted confidant, who is able to see the wood for the tress. Being able to consider the situation of each family and then ensure they are guided responsibly and impartial is a core principal.
ONE Family’s ability to help steer the next generation to keep an even keel for the long-term helps to develop a robust family business, for today and tomorrow.
For more information on how we can help your business, or to set up a meeting, contact us today.