經濟一週 EDigest – 家族辦公室大解構 亞太區滲透率偏低 市場空間巨大

Thanks for the invitation by Economic Digest. ONE Family Office is very honored to have the interview together with InvestHK.

香港投資推廣署 FamilyOfficeHK One Family Office Dixon Wong

經濟一週 EDigest



The work of ONE Family Office takes on the role of a trusted confidant, who is able to see the wood for the tress. Being able to consider the situation of each family and then ensure they are guided responsibly and impartial is a core principal.

ONE Family’s ability to help steer the next generation to keep an even keel for the long-term helps to develop a robust family business, for today and tomorrow.

For more information on how we can help your business, or to set up a meeting, contact us today.